Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"On Fire" Question Responses

1. He describes the process of his job as a fireman. He describes what happens before and during a call.
2. He tells about all the hardships that happen on the job to capture the attention of the reader. Then he tells about the preparations that must be done to ensure that hardships do not turn in to something worse, such as death. Describing things this way enables the reader to realize the significance of the preparation.
3. Personification is used when he says that embers can go anywhere. This helps clarify that any exposed skin can, and probably will, get burned.
4. He uses second person to put the reader into his shoes. This enables the reader to seemingly live through his experiences, and understand significance of every little thing.
5. He wishes to show that firefighting is a difficult job, and it takes its toll on the body. Not only physically, but mentally as well, the job conditions and punishes you. It becomes second nature to check every aspect of your gear to ensure the highest possible safety.

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